1080x1920 pixels: This size is used on smartphones with portrait orientation: 2160x3840 pixels: This size is commonly used on smartphones and tablets with 4K resolution: 1920x1080 pixels: This size is commonly used on laptop screens, PC monitors, and some tablets: 1440x2560 pixels: This size is used on smartphones and tablets with Quad HD resolution: 2160x3840 pixels: This size is commonly used on smartphones and tablets with 4K resolution: 1920x1080 pixels: This size is commonly used on laptop screens, PC monitors, and some tablets: 1440x2560 pixels: This size is used on smartphones and tablets with Quad HD resolution: The appropriate size for HD wallpaper on all devices can vary depending on the resolution of each device's screen. Here are some common sizes that can be used as a reference: 1920x1080 pixels: This size is commonly used on laptop screens, PC monitors, and some tablets. 1080x1920 pixels: This size is used on smartphones with portrait orientation. 2160x3840 pixels: This size is commonly used on smartphones and tablets with 4K resolution. 1440x2560 pixels: This size is used on smartphones and tablets with Quad HD resolution. However, to ensure that your HD wallpaper looks perfect on all devices, it is recommended that you create several versions with different sizes and adjust them to the intended screen. You can also use websites that provide wallpapers with various sizes, so you can choose the one that best suits your device. S